The Shiki anime is an adaptation of the Shiki manga series drawn by Ryu Fujisaki, which is itself an adaptation of a novel series of the same name by Fuyumi Ono. The story happens in a small isolated town in rural Japan named Sotoba, where a series of bizarre deaths occur, coinciding with the arrival of the Kirishiki family who has just moved into a castle built on the outskirts. Toshio Ozaki, dean of the only hospital in Sotoba, begins to investigate and discovers there are supernatural presences at work, namely vampires, who are called shiki, which translates to English as "corpse demon."
The series premiered on Fuji TV, Kansai TV, Tōkai TV, and their affiliated stations on July 8, 2010. Funimation simulcast the series one hour after its initial broadcast in Japan, with English subtitles. The first of the DVDs and Blu-ray of the anime were released on October 27, 2010 by Aniplex. The complete-series box set, including an English dub and two OVA episodes, came out in June 2014.
Each episode title is a homophone pronunciation for the Japanese numerals using On'yomi, with each phrase mostly related to death or the corruption of the physical body, both common themes in the series. Dates are followed by the Rokuyo designation for that particular day, giving the good-fortune prediction for the day.
- Original Soundtrack by Yasuharu Takanashi, composer for Fairy Tail, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto.
- Kuchizuke - The first opening theme
- Calendula Requiem - The second opening theme
- Walk no Yakusoku - The first ending theme
- Gekka Reijin - The second ending theme
Watch Shiki
Similar shows
- Interview with the Vampire
- True Blood
- When They Cry
- Another
- Death Note
- Elfen Lied
- Future Diary
- Attack on Titan
- The Promised Neverland
Main Cast
- Kazuyuki Okitsu/John Burgmeier as Seishin Muroi
- Wataru Takagi/Ian Sinclair as Tatsumi
- Aoi Yuki/Cherami Leigh as Sunako Kirishiki
- Tôru Ôkawa/David Wald as Toshio Ozaki
- Haruka Tomatsu/Tia Ballard as Megumi Shimizu
- Kōki Uchiyama/Jerry Jewell as Natsuno Yuuki Koide
To see a list of all characters, visit the Characters page.
Episode # | English Title | Japanese Title | Air Date |
1 | First Blood | "Dai ichi wa"
(第遺血話) |
7/8/2010 |
2 | Second Decay | "Dai futa (ni) wa"
(第腐堕話) |
7/16/2010 |
3 | Third Tragedy | "Dai san wa"
(第惨話) |
7/22/2010 |
4 | Fourth Death | "Dai shi (yon) wa"
(第死話) |
7/29/2010 |
5 | Fifth Deceit | "Dai itsu (go) wa"
(第偽話) |
8/5/2010 |
6 | Sixth Skull | "Dai roku wa"
(第髏苦話) |
8/12/2010 |
7 | Seventh Killing Spirit | "Dai shichi wa"
(第弑魑話) |
8/19/2010 |
8 | Eighth Night | "Dai ya (hachi) wa"
(第夜話) |
8/26/2010 |
9 | Ninth Coffin | "Dai kyū wa"
(第柩話) |
9/2/2010 |
10 | Tenth Mourning | "Dai tō (ju) wa"
(第悼話) |
9/10/2010 |
11 | Eleventh Slaughter | "Dai tō to hito (jūichi) wa"
(第悼と悲屠話) |
9/16/2010 |
12 | Twelfth Decay | "Dai tō to futa (jūni) wa"
(第悼と腐堕話) |
10/14/2010 |
13 | Thirteenth Tragedy | "Dai tō to san (jūsan) wa"
(第悼と惨話) |
10/28/2010 |
14 | Fourteenth Death | "Dai tō to shi (jūyon) wa"
(第悼と死話) |
11/4/2010 |
15 | Fifteenth Deceit | "Dai tō to itsu wa"
(第悼と偽話) |
11/11/2010 |
16 | Sixteenth Skull | "Dai tō to roku wa"
(第悼と髏苦話) |
11/18/2010 |
17 | Seventeenth Killing Spirit | "Dai tō to shichi wa"
(第悼と弑魑話) |
11/25/2010 |
18 |
Eighteenth Night | "Dai tō to ya wa"
(第悼と夜話) |
12/2/2010 |
19 |
Nineteenth Coffin | "Dai tō to kyū wa"
(第悼と柩話) |
12/9/2010 |
20 | Twentieth Mourning | "Dai futatō wa"
(第腐汰悼話) |
12/16/2010 |
20.5 | Twentieth Mourning and Offense | "Dai futatō to han wa"
(第腐汰悼と犯話) |
May 25, 2011 |
21 | Twenty-First Slaughter | "Dai futatō to hito wa"
(第腐汰悼と悲屠話) |
12/23/2010 |
21.5 | Twenty-First Blood and Offense | "Dai futatō-ichi to han wa"
(第腐汰悼遺血と犯話) |
6/22/2011 |
22 | The Final Hunt | "Saishū wa"
(蔡蒐話) |
12/30/2010 |